Subject to due process: 12,
Estimated Amount: 55 000.00
Differentiated position 1: 1111Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: 123123,
Estimated Amount: 123 123.00
Differentiated position 1: 123Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: 16082022,
Estimated Amount: 50 000.00
Differentiated position 1: 11111Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: 20092022,
Estimated Amount: 550 000.00
Differentiated position 1: 1111Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Differentiated position 2: 2222Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Differentiated position 3: 3333Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: 202020092022,
Estimated Amount: 45 000.00
Differentiated position 1: еднаContractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: нова процедура с 3 09092022,
Estimated Amount: 55 000.00
Differentiated position 1: 11111Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Differentiated position 2: 222222Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Differentiated position 3: 33333333Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: Нова с 2,
Estimated Amount: 150 000.00
Differentiated position 1: първа опContractor:Contract total funded value:
Differentiated position 2: втора опContractor:Contract total funded value: