Subject to due process: ............................................,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: .................................................Contractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 200.00
Subject to due process: 111,
Estimated Amount: 10 000.00
Subject to due process: 123456,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: 1Contractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 200.00
Differentiated position 2: 2Contractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 200.00
Differentiated position 3: 3Contractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 200.00
Subject to due process: 2222,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: 2222Contractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 200.00
Subject to due process: 444444,
Estimated Amount: 10 000.00
Differentiated position 1: 444Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: sdfgtrhjyu,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: dcbvgfnhmContractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: Test,
Estimated Amount: 1 000.00
Differentiated position 1: TestContractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: Test 0000,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: Obosobena poziciq - TestContractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 1 000.00
Subject to due process: Test 12345,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: Lot 12345Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: xdcfvgbhnjmj,./,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: ABCDContractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: Машини за обработка на земя,
Estimated Amount: 30 000.00
Differentiated position 1: ДоговорContractor:Contract total funded value:
Differentiated position 2: гфцйгжйContractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: Прроцедура Тест,
Estimated Amount: 10 000.00
Differentiated position 1: Позиция 1Contractor:Contract total funded value:
Subject to due process: ТЕСТ,
Estimated Amount: 0.00
Differentiated position 1: ТЕСТContractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 0.00
Subject to due process: Тест 123,
Estimated Amount: 10 000.00
Differentiated position 1: Тест 123Contractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 1 000.00
Subject to due process: Тест 2,
Estimated Amount: 5 000.00
Differentiated position 1: Тест 2Contractor: bvcbgcnContract total funded value: 0.00
Subject to due process: Тест Оферти,
Estimated Amount: 10 000.00
Differentiated position 1: Тест ОфертиContractor:Contract total funded value: